SETTERFIELD SIMPLIFIEDan ongoing series of articles explaining some of Barry's research in lay-friendly terms.
The following two articles have been taken from two Power Point presentations given at a creation conference in Texas in April, 2024. They have been put together for the net upon request. These articles are basic summaries and conclusions of our research to date. May, 2024 The Plasma Universe and Creation
the Big Bang, a static universe, speed of light measurements, atomic dating, the Zero Point energy, and more About the Speed of Light -- May, 2017 Creation and Plasma Physics -- February, 2017 Mass and Gravity -- March, 2016 the results of correcting atomic dating mathematically to correlate with orbital dates Introduction to the Plasma Model Was this how God did it? Gravity-based models of the cosmos pose serious problems requiring the invention of dark matter, dark energy, dark forces. But if we take what we are seeing in space seriously, and simply examine the data, gravity is not the controlling force. What is the Zero Point Energy? This term can be quite confusing. Let's try to clear it up a bit. Standard geology tells us the rock strata in the geologic column built up over billions of years. Standard creation science says the vast majority of the geologic column is the result of Noah's Flood. The evidence indicates both these 'standard' models may be wrong. This is a major work tying together a lot of the research and what it means. Skip the math equations Barry put in for the more technically oriented -- Helen wrote the text. Besides, it has a lot of pictures! In a picture: