
Research Papers

Setterfield Simplified


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Responses to Critics



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Genesis Science Research


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It is never good science to ignore anomalous data or to eliminate a conclusion because of some presupposition. Sir Henry Dale, one-time President of the Royal Society of London, made an important comment in his retirement speech: "Science should not tolerate any lapse of precision, or neglect any anomaly, but give Nature's answers to the world humbly and with courage." To do so may not place one in the mainstream of modern science, but at least we will be searching for truth and moving ahead rather than maintaining the scientific status quo.

Barry Setterfield

another interesting comment

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The following two articles have been taken from two Power Point presentations given at a creation conference in Texas in April, 2024. They have been put together for the net upon request. These articles are basic summaries and conclusions of our research to date. May, 2024

The Plasma Universe and Creation

The Zero Point Energy

Three papers were published by a peer-reviewed journal this autumn, 2023. In each case the papers came back from the peer review process with no suggestions or corrections, only the recommendations to publish. Here they are:

James Web Space Telescope & Plasma Astronomy – published September20th 2023

The Redshift and the Zero Point Energy – Published October 10th 2023

Reviewing the Role of Virtual Particles in the Vacuum  - Published November 27th, 2023

the following questions were also answered and is in both the discussion and scripture sections:

God's Wrath and the Tribulation (April, 2024)

Question on Revelation 13:18 [is the number of the beast 616 or 666?]

The Timing of the Rapture (February, 2024)


Lambert Dolphin, our wonderful friend, 5-24-1932 - 1-1-2024


Problems Presented by the Webb Telescope -- Sept. 2022

Putting It All Together -- a lay-friendly series of articles covering the major areas of Setterfield research and conclusions -- autumn 2015

Where Do We Stand Compared to Other Creationists?

YouTubes from Barry

the You Tube presentations are now available as DVDs

Online Astronomy Course (and related articles)is based on a high school course Barry taught

Chuck Missler's interview with Barry -- at our home, autumn 2013 (youtube)

short response to Hartnett's upset with this interview

Too much fun to pass up: occasionally news quotes strike our fancy.

this one is serious -- professionals disagreeing about climate change/global warming 12/18

* * * * *

Research Papers: beginning with the 1987 paper on the speed of light research and continuing through plasma physics research

Setterfield Simplified: an ongoing series of articles for the layman

Discussion: Barry answers questions emailed to him (please also see Questions from University Students)

News and Prophecy: current events and biblical prophecies are starting to line up in some interesting ways. "Signs of Our Times" is a DVD available on this subject.


Responses to Critics: doesn't everyone have them? Also included are a number of positive comments

an article worth reading: Why the foundations of physics have not progressed for over 40 years -- 2/20

Recommended: A few materials we have been impressed with, both positively and negatively

Scripture: some material regarding the Bible, including essays on some theologies we disagree with, a Genesis 1 - 11 study, studies on Abraham and Job, material on the Alexandrian Septuagint and more.

Were the Prophecies of Daniel 8 Fulfilled by Antiochus IV?

Helen's Page: Helen is Barry's wife. This page includes our place and our animals, and some 'mini-blogs'

For our Deaf Friends: some material in simple, sign-compatible English for our deaf friends

Kids and Science: kids' questions and our answers

Questions from University Students

DVD's (and books):

"The Christmas Star," "Anomalies," and "Signs of Our Times" are available as DVD's. Anomalies was awarded the 2015 Best Pioneering Lecture Series Award by the SciFlix Film Festival.

"The Bible and Geology" is a short book for laymen. Cosmology and the Zero Point Energy is a 465 page book summarizing over 35 years of Barry Setterfield's research. Although it includes the mathematical formulas used, it is essentially lay friendly.

"Astronomy, Geology and the Bible" -- filmed the summer of 2015, this DVD presents some of the evidence and the conclusions reached after 36 years of research. This is probably the last DVD of the series.

Material by others:

The Dodwell Papers: George Dodwell was the government astronomer for South Australia and known world-wide in astromical circles. When he died in the mid-sixties, Barry Setterfield was asked to prepare his papers on the tilt of the earth's axis for publication. The publication has been held up, so here is the Dodwell material.

Reviewing a Possible World-wide Event c. 2400 BC (by Setterfield)
Response to Danny Faulkner's critique of Dodwell -- 8/17

The Rinus Kiel presentation: from a 2008 presentation of the Setterfield material in Germany

An Amazing Summary by Rinus Kiel of the condition of creation research today. December, 2014

The Big Stretch: May, 2016



Donations: We have been asked if there was a way to donate to us. We are not a registered non-profit organization (it costs too much to do that!), but we don't refuse help. If you would like to donate, it is very much appreciated, but please do as the Lord leads you.



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